SpiroChem AG:
Rosental area, WRO-1047-3
Mattenstrasse 22
4058 Basel, Switzerland

Tel: + 41 61 685 95 00
E-mail: contact@spirochem.com


Swiss Discovery Sciences

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Analytical services

Method development.

Are you missing internal resources to properly or efficiently analyze your products or develop a new analytical method? Are your products difficult to characterize?

Let us have a go at it. We can develop efficient analytical methods to guarantee the success of your projects.

Analytical services

Solve your problem.

Where did we learn all this? Well, we work with very complex molecules every day. Some are not UV visible, some are extremely polar, some are volatile. This required us to be very flexible and creative in terms of analytics to be efficient on our own projects.

All this know-how, we can apply it to SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM.


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