SpiroChem AG:
Rosental area, WRO-1047-3
Mattenstrasse 22
4058 Basel, Switzerland

Tel: + 41 61 685 95 00
E-mail: contact@spirochem.com


Swiss Discovery Sciences

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A large foundation of materials

World’s largest portfolio of solutions.

We have the world’s largest portfolio of solutions to replace virtually any motif in your molecule with a suitable alternative. You can purchase building blocks from our catalog. However, if the building block approach is not possible in your case, we can perform this task for you under Fee for Service or FTE agreement.

Let us give you a solution

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problem to solve?

Do not hesitate reaching out if you have any specific questions on the properties of our molecules.
We are happy to sign a CDA and share information whenever it is available.

Let us give you a solution

Do you have a specific
problem to solve?

Do not hesitate reaching out if you have any specific questions on the properties of our molecules.
We are happy to sign a CDA and share information whenever it is available.


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