In 2021-2022, SpiroChem has performed 15 successful Route Scouting projects for biotechs, big pharma and CMO/CDMOs.

Our success is based on:

Our deep knowledge and expertise that enables us to analyze critically existing data and generate many hypothetical alternatives ranging from complete de novo synthesis to smart tuning/orchestrating of existing sequences.

Our rapid-triage that allows to test, challenge and rank all short-listed ideas. Very quickly, we are able to select one preferred route and prepare first scale-up.

Our outstanding ability to assess the selected route by screening alternative reaction conditions considering impurity profiles and suggesting in-process controls. Scalability is probed (factor 3-10) while purification strategies and telescoping opportunities are implemented to pave the way for process optimization.

We provide a tailored team of experts to fit your needs and can support you in the preparation of:

  • Conformationally restricted scaffolds
  • sp2-sp3 hybrid molecules (organocatalysis, photochemistry)
  • Chiral molecules (enantioselective synthesis)
  • Macrocycles
  • Biomolecules (glycosyl derivatives, fatty acids, small peptides, nucleosides/tides)
  • Probes and/or linker for chemical biology
  • Natural products (total synthesis)
  • High-potent molecules

  • We would be happy to evaluate your project, please contact us at