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At this phase, preliminary preclinical pharmacokinetic and safety assessments of the potential lead molecules are completed both in vitro and in vivo. Lead compounds emerging from this stage exhibit sufficient efficacy and safety profiles to warrant further development—which can help make critical advances in your pharmaceutical discovery program.
Working with our high-quality trusted research partner network, we can assist you during the hit to lead phase and ensure the generation of high-quality results via a very efficient design, make, test, and analyze (DMTA) cycle. With the support of our lead optimization team, you can efficiently discover and advance successful leads to drug candidates.
A key aspect of Hit-to-Lead success is the need to explore a chemical space rapidly to assess viability of each vector around a scaffold of interest. Agility in establishing efficient and divergent synthetic route brings speed to the project and shortens DMT cycles. This is done efficiently with our late-stage functionalization techniques and our parallel synthesis platforms.
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