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SpiroChem sponsors two postdocs and one PhD student in Prof. Sarlah’s academic group
Feb 12 2021

Press Release

SpiroChem sponsors two postdocs and one PhD student in Prof. Sarlah’s academic group

SpiroChem starts a new collaboration with Prof. Sarlah

Professor David Sarlah, a member of our scientific advisory board and a faculty member at the University of Illinois, started a second research group at the University of Pavia, Italy. Due to the strong and prolific scientific collaboration already in place, SpiroChem will now sponsor two postdocs and one PhD student in Prof. Sarlah’s academic group.

David’s research in Pavia is focused on the development of conceptionally novel building blocks for medicinal chemistry, ultimately providing new generation libraries of small organic molecules tailored towards unchartered structural space. The department of chemistry of the University of Pavia is a center of excellence in synthetic chemistry and photochemistry. This collaboration will deepen the already strong academic and industry synergy, and provide novel concept, tools and solutions to the medicinal chemistry community.

The sponsorship is part of SpiroChem’s ongoing commitment to supporting R&D, both internally and with external partners. SpiroChem is also committed to train talented students and turn them into the elite chemists of tomorrow.


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