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SpiroChem sponsors DMCCB Basel Symposium 2018.
May 14 2018


SpiroChem sponsors DMCCB Basel Symposium 2018.

We are happy to announce that SpiroChem will be sponsoring the DMCCB Basel Symposium 2018, where the focus will be on «Novel Chemical Space and Tools for Chemical Biology, Medicinal and Agrochemistry».

The SCS Division of Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology

The DMCCB comprises about 750 scientists interested in medicinal chemistry, chemical biology and related fields of research. It organizes scientific events such as the DMCCB Basel Symposiums, the Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology session of the SCS annual meeting, and every second year co-organizes the Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry congress together with the German GDCh. It also offers a high-quality, bi-annual Medicinal Chemistry Course which takes place in Leysin. Beyond Switzerland, the DMCCB interacts with other country organizations to represent the Swiss medicinal chemistry and chemical biology community. The DMCCB is a member society of the EFMC (European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry).

DMCCB Basel Symposium 2018

The Division of Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology of the SCS invites you to the next edition of the DMCCB Basel Symposium, a half-day event with five invited speakers talking about «Novel Chemical Space and Tools for Chemical Biology, Medicinal and Agrochemistry». The goal is to stimulate a stronger cooperation among persons working in different areas of medicinal chemistry and chemical biology. Scientists from applied and fundamental research, from industry, education, and regulation are welcome.


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