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SpiroChem: the key partner of successful Biotechs.
Sep 04 2018

New Products & Concept

SpiroChem: the key partner of successful Biotechs.

Using a wealth of scientific and technical expertise, we tackle problems and develop exclusive, timely and cost-effective solutions.

SpiroChem has played an instrumental part in Cellestia’s drug discovery and development program, proving to be a reliable partner in delivering quality results in a timely manner. Within the framework of this collaboration, the team has spared no effort in meticulously executing the plan and actively participating in project meetings to contribute to the success of our medicinal chemistry efforts.
SpiroChem’s innovative and effective work helped us save CHF 0,5 million on the drug development program.
I thoroughly enjoyed interacting with SpiroChem’s team and CEO Dr. Thomas Fessard who always made himself personally available to discuss the progress of our projects. Without any reservations, I would highly recommend SpiroChem to anyone looking for customized, innovative chemistry from a highly-invested, strikingly professional team.

Rajwinder Lehal, PhD,
Chief Scientific Officer Cellestia Biotech AG

About Cellestia Biotech
Funded in 2014
Raised CHF 8 million
Approval for Phase I-IA study in 2017


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