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Expertise of the month: Nucleoside/Nucleotide Chemistry
Jan 29 2021

Expertise of the month

Expertise of the month: Nucleoside/Nucleotide Chemistry

Nucleoside and nucleotide analogues play a major role in medicinal chemistry for the development of anticancer and antiviral diseases. At SpiroChem, we have a pool of experts mastering nucleoside/nucleotide chemistry.

Innovative chemistry strategies are developed to prepare nucleoside analogues modified on the nitrogenous base, or/and sugar or/and phosphate moities to provide compounds with increased response rates and reduced side effects.


SpiroChem’s chemists are also highly skilled in the design and preparation of:

  • Cyclic nucleotides
  • polynucleotides
  • Nucleolipids
  • Sugar nucleotides


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