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Expertise of the month: Automated Jacketed Reactor
Nov 30 2021

Expertise of the month

Expertise of the month: Automated Jacketed Reactor

To foster route scouting workflow, SpiroChem has acquired an automated jacketed reactor configurable for:

  • a wide range of reaction volumes (500mL to 3L)
  • a broad panel of reactions
  • a large range of temperature (-70°C to 150°C)
Typical route scouting workflow

What you gain

Productivity increase
Faster optimization
Realtime reaction monitoring
Reliable in process controls
Tracability and full recipe control
Guaranteed reproducibility
Safe protocols (temperature-dependent dosing)
Facilitated scale-up

By enabling fast, scalable, and reproducible chemistry with advanced reaction control and multi-step automated recipes, the automated jacketed reactor eliminates variability and facilitates the tech transfer dramatically.

We will be happy to support you on your route scouting projects.
For more information, please contact Laurence Jung at laurence.jung@spirochem.com.


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