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Expertise of the month: 480 sp<sup>3</sup>-rich fragments offered in DMSO solution
Jul 19 2022

Expertise of the month

Expertise of the month: 480 sp3-rich fragments offered in DMSO solution

3D fragments are increasingly being considered as complementary to their 2D counterparts and as crucial components to improve pharmacophore coverage and solubility, leading to better starting points for lead generation.

At SpiroChem, we’ve used our in-house knowledge and know-how to design novel sp3-rich fragments with high 3D diversity shape. The fragment collection can be categorized in 3 subfamilies:

All fragments are soluble at 100mM in DMSO and are QC certified by NMR.

Available NOW:

  • 480 plated fragments
  • Standard format: 100µL at 50 mM in DMSO

Customized volumes and concentrations available upon request.

Customer’s most recent screening results:

Biological target: undisclosed ligand-gated ion channel.

TA: neurodegenerative diseases.

Cell-based Xenopus oocyte assay: Rapid discovery of fragment hits against target with 13% hit rate.

In vivo C. elegans development assay: Confirmation of hits in vivo.

Our Partners

Rapid generation of high-resolution x-ray co-crystal structure for SAR using gene-to-crystal & SmartSoak® technology

Rapid in vitro and cell-based screening

We will be happy to support your projects.
For more information, please contact Laurence Jung at laurence.jung@spirochem.com.


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