SpiroChem AG:
Rosental area, WRO-1047-3
Mattenstrasse 22
4058 Basel, Switzerland

Tel: + 41 61 685 95 00
E-mail: contact@spirochem.com


Swiss Discovery Sciences

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Nov 19 2020

COVID-19 Statement

COVID-19: SpiroChem remains fully operational amidst global crisis

Considering the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we want to ensure our clients and partners that SpiroChem is taking all necessary precautions to secure safety and well-being of our colleagues, while remaining operational. We are all in this together, and to stay transparent we share how we handle the situation.

SpiroChem’s laboratories are fully operational and business/research proceeds as usual. Thanks to our business continuity plan, we meet the growing demand for our services at the same high standards that our clients expect, while simultaneously following the Swiss Governmental guidelines. The health and safety of our team remains our top priority.

We implemented a set of preventive measures that enables us to remain operational:

  • Practicing social distance on premises
  • Wearing a face mask on all SpiroChem premises at all time, i.e. all labs/rooms/offices, even when sitting at our desks
  • Equipping shared areas (coffee/lunch) with Plexiglas separations
  • Reducing maximal occupancy limits in each room
  • Regularly ventilating all office space and laboratories
  • Disinfecting more often (several times a day) all areas of contact (door handles, shared instruments etc.)
  • Repeatedly emphasizing rules internally by various communication channels
  • And more!

It is everyone’s responsibility to abide by these rules, and we strongly encourage our staff to take extra precautions, even in their personal life.

Thanks to the passion and dedication of our employees, SpiroChem managed to quickly adapt to the uncertainty that the COVID-19 pandemic imposed globally. We have kept a steady growth this year so far and are glad to announce that we expanded to a team of 50 employees, and plan to continue on this path for the coming years.

We are grateful for all our long-term and new clients and partners and we wish health to you and your families.

Stay safe, stay curious,
Your SpiroTeam


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